Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Evoke: A new online game to save the planet.

Found this via Doctorow on Boing Boing. Looked intriguing enough to me so I checked out the site. Cool looking site, with a comic book style introduction and a cool trailer (see below). I decided to read a bit about who was organizing this and found it was the World Bank Institute. They are a branch of guessed it World Bank. Now this can set off some alarms with people I know, however if you read a bit it sure looks like on a more or less surface level that they do accomplish some good deeds. Now I am more than open to hearing what others have to say on the matter, so please respond. In the mean time I signed up with Evoke and I look forward to what it may involve, I think it's worth a look.

EVOKE trailer (a new online game) from Alchemy on Vimeo.

Cool things to do with a Wiimote.

Found this via the vast interwebs. What innovative and simple hacks can do to provide us with super useful and fun projects. Link to Johnny Lee's site with other super cool projects with video instruction.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Channel Zero

Wanted to share a post about this wonderful graphic novel I just read entitled Channel Zero by Brian Wood. This exquisite piece of literature had me hooked from page one. Short description; in the not too distant future, the government has taken control of all media and media making devices. A resistance has taken root most notably by a guerrilla hacker, Jennie 2.5. Through the acquisition of illegal devices such as computers and video cameras our hero gets her message heard. Set in a stark noir like New York where freedom of speech has basically been replaced by "The Clean Act", a law that ensures the government's far right Christian values are always upheld by the media. This book is to be experienced not simply read and shelved, one is forced to think about the scary social commentary that lives in these pages, which are ingeniously crafted by Wood, who has developed this in it's entirety. Complete with pages asking you to make copies and stickers from, emblazoned with anti-propaganda propaganda encouraging any and all to take back their voice and be heard. This is another must read by a true master of his craft. Check out this and other Brian Wood books here:

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fidel is down with Linux

Compañero Tux 150 Pictures, Images and Photos

Found this to be kinda awesome.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Lord Vader the Rebel base is at 1417 Hillcrest Dr.

Saw this over at, and I had to re-post. Too awesome. Click photo to see full and go to the photobucket album.
Frikkin Hoth

Sunday, January 11, 2009


I just finished reading this wonderful graphic novel entitled "Blankets". Created entirely by master artist and storyteller Craig Thompson, this nearly 600 page tome runs the full gamut of human emotions. I encourage any and all to give this one a try, you won't want to put it down, and I challenge anyone to not feel something profound while absorbing this landmark piece of literature. This book belongs on the shelf right next to Watchmen, Bone, Sandman and other masterpieces of the medium. Highly recommended.
Craig Thompson Blankets Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Raven Mad Imperial Porter

Saw this the other day at my local Co-Op and had to have it. I am a huge porter fan and Bridgeport Brewing has been a very reliable beer maker for years. This thick wonderful beer clocks in at 7.8% abv and is quite rich and flavorful without being sweet. Color is raven black hence the name, and the label is in 3D! Packaged with your own pair of viewing glasses. If you like this style of beer, and it is the season for something a bit robust, I highly recommend it.